Elevate Your Educational Institution's Cyber Defenses with TRaViS EASM

Cybersecurity isn't just an IT issue—it's the foundation of modern academic integrity. As an educational leader, you're not just protecting information; you're safeguarding the future of learning, student privacy, and the reputation of your institution. But in an era of sophisticated cyber threats, how can you ensure your digital campus is as secure as your physical one?

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What is TRaViS?

TRaViS is a one of a kind External Attack Surface Management (ASM) platform that identifies, evaluates, and manages security risks across an organization's digital attack surface. It offers continuous monitoring, threat analysis, dark web scans, and information to minimize risks and enhance security.

What TRaViS Does

Icon of portfolio scanning.



Regularly scans all websites within your portfolio to identify vulnerabilities and security issues.

Icon representing exposed API Keys Detection

Exposed API 

Keys Detection

Monitors for exposed API keys that could be exploited by malicious actors.

Icon of a skull representing API issues.

API Issues


Detects and addresses problems within your APIs to prevent potential security breaches.

Icon representing vulnerability discovery.



Continuously searches for new vulnerabilities in your systems and applications.

Icon representing icon alignment.

Dark Web


Keeps an eye on the dark web for any mention of your business or exposed data, providing early warnings of potential threats.

Icon representing TRaViS and it's new asset detection feature.

New Assets


Identifies and secures new digital assets as they are added to your infrastructure.

Icon depicting exposed credentials identification.

Exposed Credentials


Alerts you to any compromised credentials to prevent unauthorized access.

Icon representing CVE Data Exporting.

CVE Data


Provides detailed reports on Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVEs) to help prioritize and address security risks.

Icon representing domain tools.



Offers various tools to analyze and improve the security posture of your domains.

Icon representing cybersecurity threat intelligence


Threat Intelligence

Delivers actionable intelligence on emerging threats to keep your defenses up to date.

Icon representing domain security posture assessment

Domain Security 

Posture Assessment

Evaluates the security of your domains and provides recommendations for improvement.

Icon representing javascrilpt and content discovery intelligence.

JavaScript and Content

Discovery Intelligence

Examines your JavaScript and other content for vulnerabilities and potential security issues.

TRaViS EASM: Your All-in-One Solution for Educational Cybersecurity

Imagine having a vigilant, AI-powered guardian continuously monitoring your digital assets, detecting vulnerabilities before they become breaches, and ensuring every piece of student and faculty data is as secure as a locked library archive. That's the power of TRaViS External Attack Surface Management (EASM).

Key Benefits That Make TRaViS EASM the Honor Roll of Education Security

 Ironclad Protection of Student and Faculty Data:

Shield sensitive academic information with advanced encryption and continuous monitoring, ensuring privacy at all times.

 Regulatory Compliance Mastery:

Navigate the complex world of educational data regulations with ease, ensuring compliance with FERPA, COPPA, and other relevant standards.

 Unauthorized Access Prevention:

Deploy cutting-edge defenses that detect and block potential intruders before they can compromise your institution's digital integrity.

 Robust Security Measures Implementation:

Establish a comprehensive security framework that covers every aspect of your digital infrastructure, from student portals to research databases.

 Enhanced Data Security Across the Institution:

Maintain a constant vigil over your digital assets with real-time threat intelligence and proactive vulnerability assessments.

Addressing the Pain Points That Keep Education IT Leaders Awake at Night

We understand the unique challenges you face in the education sector:

Sensitive Data Protection:

TRaViS EASM acts as your digital hall monitor, constantly patrolling for weaknesses and fortifying defenses against potential data breaches.

Continuous Vulnerability Assessment

Regulatory Compliance Complexity:

Our system is designed to align seamlessly with FERPA, COPPA, and other education-specific regulations, transforming compliance from a daunting challenge into a manageable, automated process.


Unauthorized Access Risks:

Advanced AI and machine learning algorithms work tirelessly to identify unusual patterns and potential threats, preventing unauthorized access before it occurs.

Risk Assessment

Comprehensive Security Implementation:

 TRaViS EASM safeguards all data in your ecosystem, proactively addressing vulnerabilities and seamlessly integrating with your technology.

Seamless Integrations

Continuous Monitoring Challenges:

Our continuous monitoring system allows your IT team to focus on educational innovation and improvement, rather than constant threat watching.

Dark Web Monitoring

Overcoming Common Concerns in Educational Cybersecurity

By choosing TRaViS, you're not just investing in a cyber security solution – you're investing in the bedrock of educational institutions: trust. Our AI-enhanced platform offers:

Implementation Complexity:

Our team of experts at Seron Security (Owner of TRaViS EASM ) ensure a smooth integration, tailored to your existing systems, with minimal disruption to academic operations.

Cost Considerations:

TRaViS EASM offers flexible pricing models that align with educational budgets, providing enterprise-grade security without compromising other areas of institutional needs.

Legacy System Integration:

Our solution is designed to work harmoniously with existing educational IT infrastructure, bridging the gap between legacy systems and cutting-edge security.

Measurable Success: The TRaViS EASM Advantage

Take Action: Secure Your Educational Institution's Digital Future with TRaViS EASM

In education, every moment is an opportunity to learn—and that includes cybersecurity. Don't let your institution become the next case study in a data breach seminar. Schedule a consultation now and discover how TRaViS EASM can transform your approach to educational security from reactive to proactive, from vulnerable to resilient.


Book Your Personalized Demo Now

Imagine having the power to safeguard every student record, protect every piece of research data, and focus on providing exceptional education without worrying about cyber threats. That's not just a dream—it's what TRaViS EASM delivers.

Don't let another semester pass with your institution's data at risk. Contact us now to book your personalized demo and experience firsthand how TRaViS can secure your educational organization's digital future. Because in education, security isn't just about protection—it's about preserving the trust that's at the heart of learning.

Engage with TRaViS EASM

Schedule a one-on-one consultation with our financial cyber security experts of Seron Security the  brilliant minds alongside TRaViS. 

Seron Security sets the gold standard in cybersecurity, providing unparalleled protection for your educational institutions sensitive data.​

Request Consult​​​​​​​​​​

You're either safeguarding your institution's future or putting it at risk. With TRaViS EASM, you're not just meeting standards—you're setting new benchmarks for educational data protection in the digital age.

Secure your systems, protect your students and faculty, and build unshakeable trust with TRaViS EASM—because in education, data security is as crucial as academic excellence.

External Attack Surface Management

With TRaViS, protect your digital assets with unmatched efficiency. 

Join Leading Organizations in Securing Digital Assets.​

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