TRaViS Dark Web Monitoring: 

Illuminate the Shadows to Protect Your Digital Assets

In today's clandestine digital underworld, your sensitive data could be for sale without your knowledge. TRaViS Dark Web Monitoring offers continuous surveillance and actionable intelligence to safeguard your organization's information from hidden threats.

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TRaViS ASM image of scan.

The Critical Importance of Dark Web Intelligence

Traditional security measures often miss what's lurking in the internet's shadowy corners. TRaViS Dark Web Monitoring delivers:

  • Covert Surveillance: Continuous monitoring of dark web forums, marketplaces, and chat rooms
  • Rapid Alert System: Immediate notifications when your data is detected
  • Comprehensive Coverage: Scan the entire dark web ecosystem for your sensitive information

Protect your digital identity: Schedule a demo of TRaViS Dark Web Monitoring today

How TRaViS Dark Web Monitoring Works: An In-Depth Look

Advanced Crawling


Our cutting-edge system ensures no stone is left unturned:

  • Adaptive crawling algorithms
  • Multi-language content analysis
  • Automated credential monitoring
  • Custom search parameters

  AI-Driven Threat


Our intelligent system provides context-rich dark web insights:

  • Data exposure risk scoring
  • Threat actor profiling and tracking
  • Trend analysis and prediction
  • Machine learning-enhanced false positive reduction



TRaViS Dark Web Monitoring delivers clear, practical intelligence:

  • Continuous breach notifications
  • Detailed exposure reports
  • Customizable alerts for different stakeholders
  • Automated remediation recommendations

TRaViS Monthly

Lite Scan Plan


/ 25 Scans
  • 25 On Demand Private Scans
  • 1 User Account
  • Unlimited Subdomains
  • Setup Within 24 Hours
  • No Caps On Recon



/ month
  • 100 On Demand Private Scans
  • Unlimited Results
  • 1 User Account
  • Unlimited Subdomains
  • No Caps On Recon For All 100 Scans



/ month
  • 200 On Demand Private Scans
  • Unlimited Results
  • 1 User Account
  • Private Nuclei Template Upload
  • Encrypted at Rest
  • Unlimited Subdomains
  • No Caps On Recon For All 200 Scans
  • Advanced Google Dorks
  • Custom Dorks
  • Domain Wide JavaScript Sast Scan



 for custom pricing
/ month
  • Unlimited On Demand Private Scans
  • Unlimited Results
  • Unlimited User Accounts
  • Private Nuclei Template Upload
  • Encrypted at Rest
  • Unlimited Subdomains
  • No Caps On Recon For All Scans
  • Advanced Google Dorks
  • Custom Dorks
  • Domain Wide JavaScript Sast Scan
  • AI Supplemented Code fixes
  • Root Cause Analysis
  • AI Based Vulnerability Cost Determination per fix

Strengthen your security posture:

Explore TRaViS's dark web intelligence capabilities

Tailored Solutions for Every Sector

Healthcare Organizations

Healthcare providers benefit from:

  • Continuous monitoring for leaked patient records and medical data
  • Early detection of stolen healthcare credentials on dark web marketplaces
  • Alerts on potential HIPAA violations due to exposed information
  • Monitoring for illegally sold prescription drugs linked to your organization
  • Identification of dark web discussions about vulnerabilities in medical devices

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Financial Institutions

Banks and financial services can:

  • Detect leaked customer financial data, including credit card information
  • Monitor for insider threats selling access to financial systems
  • Identify phishing kits targeting your institution being sold on the dark web
  • Track mentions of your brand in money laundering or fraud schemes
  • Receive alerts on compromised employee credentials before they're exploited

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In the Industrial IoT era, manufacturers can:

  • Discover leaked intellectual property and trade secrets
  • Monitor for stolen designs or blueprints being sold on dark web forums
  • Detect discussions about vulnerabilities in your IoT-connected equipment
  • Track potential supply chain compromises mentioned on the dark web
  • Identify insider threats attempting to sell access to manufacturing systems

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E-commerce Businesses

Online retailers can safeguard their operations with:

  • Early detection of stolen customer data being sold on dark web marketplaces
  • Monitoring for compromised payment gateway information
  • Alerts on phishing attempts targeting your customers
  • Identification of counterfeit goods using your brand name
  • Detection of bot networks designed to exploit your e-commerce platform

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Penetration Testers, Red Teamers, and Bug Bounty Hunters

TRaViS empowers security professionals to elevate their testing capabilities:

  • Access to dark web chatter about new vulnerabilities and exploit techniques
  • Monitoring of hacker forums for discussions about your clients' systems
  • Early warning on leaked penetration testing tools or methodologies
  • Identification of potential insider threats or rogue employees selling access
  • Tracking of zero-day exploits being developed or sold on the dark web

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Government Agencies

TRaViS assists government organizations in:

  • Monitoring for leaked classified or sensitive government information
  • Detecting mentions of critical infrastructure vulnerabilities on dark web forums
  • Identifying potential nation-state actors discussing cyber attacks
  • Tracking extremist activities and communications on the dark web
  • Alerting on compromised government credentials before they're exploited

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  Large Enterprises

For complex corporate environments, TRaViS offers:

  • Comprehensive monitoring for leaked corporate data across multiple dark web sources
  • Detection of insider threats attempting to sell access or information
  • Tracking of your brand mentions in relation to planned cyber attacks
  • Monitoring for leaked source code or proprietary software
  • Identification of dark web discussions about vulnerabilities in your enterprise systems

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Small and Medium-sized Businesses (SMBs)  

TRaViS provides SMBs with:

  • Affordable dark web monitoring tailored to their specific industry and size
  • Early warning of leaked customer or employee data
  • Detection of compromised credentials before they lead to breaches
  • Monitoring for mentions of your business in relation to planned cyber attacks
  • Identification of phishing kits targeting your SMB being sold on the dark web

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Managed Security Service Providers (MSSPs)

MSSPs can leverage TRaViS to:

  • Offer comprehensive dark web monitoring as a value-added service to clients
  • Provide early warning to clients about potential data leaks or breaches
  • Monitor for mentions of clients' brands or data on dark web marketplaces
  • Track emerging threats and attack techniques discussed on the dark web
  • Enhance threat intelligence offerings with dark web insights

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Educational Institutions

Schools and universities can benefit from TRaViS by:

  • Detection of leaked student or faculty personal information
  • Monitoring for compromised educational system credentials
  • Alerts on potential research data or intellectual property leaks
  • Identification of exam paper or answer key sales on the dark web
  • Tracking of discussions about vulnerabilities in educational platforms

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Legal Firms

Law practices can protect their clients and reputation with:

  • Monitoring for leaked case files or confidential client information
  • Detection of compromised lawyer credentials on dark web forums
  • Alerts on potential insider threats attempting to sell sensitive information
  • Identification of discussions about planned attacks on law firm networks
  • Tracking of dark web chatter related to high-profile cases or clients

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The TRaViS Dark Web Monitoring Advantage



Our multi-faceted approach ensures comprehensive dark web surveillance, regardless of your industry or size.



Advanced AI filtering delivers high-confidence alerts, significantly reducing noise and false positives.

Contextual Risk


Understand not just what data is exposed, but how it impacts your specific environment and business.

Seamless Ecosystem Integration

TRaViS Dark Web Monitoring enhances your existing security stack, integrating smoothly with your current tools and workflows.

Illuminate the dark web:

Book your demo for TRaViS Dark Web Monitoring now

Measurable Impact Across Organizations

TRaViS Dark Web Monitoring empowers organizations to:

  Significantly reduce data exposure detection times

  Improve overall security posture through early warning of potential breaches

  Enhance compliance efforts with proactive data leak detection

  Measurably decrease successful cyber attacks by addressing exposures promptly

Proactive Protection

With cyber threats lurking in the dark web's hidden corners, TRaViS Dark Web Monitoring ensures your defenses extend into these shadowy realms. Don't wait for a data breach to discover your exposure – stay protected continuously with TRaViS's Dark Web Monitoring.

Secure your data from hidden threats: Contact us to learn how TRaViS Dark Web Monitoring can revolutionize your security strategy

Choose TRaViS Dark Web Monitoring and embrace a truly comprehensive security posture. Our dedication to continuous innovation means your defenses will always be one step ahead of dark web threats.

Take control of your data exposure risks today. Reach out now to discover how TRaViS Dark Web Monitoring can transform your approach to cybersecurity, providing unmatched protection and peace of mind in today's complex digital ecosystem.

External Attack Surface Management

With TRaViS, protect your digital assets with unmatched efficiency. 

Join Leading Organizations in Securing Digital Assets.​

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